
Animals special adaptation

How can animals live
in such different places in the world?

Animals live everywhere on Earth. Some places on Earth are very hot and some are very cold. Some places on Earth have a lot of water and plants, and other places have very little water and few plants. Animals can live in many different places in the world because they have special adaptations to the area they live in. Each adaptation has been produced by evolution. This means that the adaptations have developed over many generations.

Look at this web: ANIMALS ADAPTATION. Read about the adaptations of all the animals on the left column, chose one, and make a summary about how can it survive in its environment.

Do you know any other animal adaptation that is not in this web?


  1. Hello!

    Camels are hervivores( they eat desert vegetation).
    Camels have many adaptations that allow them to live successfully in desert conditions. Deserts are hot and dry. Winds blow sand all around, so a camel has long eyelashes. It has nostrils that can open and close.

    Other Adaptations:

    1- A camel can go a week or more without water.
    2- Camels feet are wide so they can walk on sand more easily.



  2. Hi! :)

    ~ Polars bears keep warm by two different ways: one, with an especial layer of their skin, and another, with a big layer of fur. Thet also hace a special nose for close it when they swim. They walk well in snow because of their big legs and their white colour helps them to confused it in the snow and ice.

    ~ Yes, for example dolphins have spindle form (in Spanish, fusiforme)

    Bye! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hello!

    - Penguins have that keep a high body temperatures to remain active. They have thick skin and lots of fat under their skin to keep warm in cold weather. So, they doesn't have cold. Also, penguins have webbed feet for powerful swimming. Their bodies are streamlined to reduce drag in water.

    - The chameleons have a special skin for that the others animal can't see them.


  5. Hello!

    - Lions are a carnivore animal, is called the king of the jungle, they are mammals, they have very much hair. They live in the savannah.

    - The giraffes have a very long neck for eat the leaves of the high trees

  6. Hello!

    - The lizards have a long body with scales. They have four legs . Some lizards use his tail for join to a leave. They are animals with cold blood , but it depends of the temperature of the Sun.

    - The whale shark has a body of 15 m and it is the bigger fish in the world

  7. Hello!

    ·Dolphins can move very fast to eat and to escape from predators. Its excelent ears, help them to protect from predators. They are very intelligent mamals that swim with more dolphins to be acompanied and protected. I like very much dolphins!

    ·Yes, frogs have a very long tongue and with its tongue can eat many things and very rapid!


  8. Hi!

    1.I have chosen the desert tortoise:
    It protects itsef from the extreme desert temperatures by burrowing under the sand and by going out in the morning or in the evening depending on the temperature.

    An adult tortoise can survive wihtout water for a year and obtain water from its diet.

    It can protect itself against predators by hiding its head,legs and tail under its shell

    It can dig shallow dig to use the infrequent rainfalls.

    2.Adaptation of Platypus to the aquatic environment:
    -It has Webbed feet with a retracting webbed membrane which can expose the claws.
    -Its tail is flat as a rudder
    -It has 2 eye lids for protection under the water
    -It can remain underwater for between one and five minutes.


  9. Hello!

    ·Snakes: Their bones of their mouth are joined to their skulls. Their mouths can stretch wide open and each bone moves separately to pull the prey inyo the mouth. Their windpipes displace themselves which means that the snakes can keep breathing while they are swallowing.

    Yes, I can´t see the crocodiles and this animals has 14 differents species and they have a skin that is scaly, dry and hard. They live about 50 to 80 years. They are tropic animals.


  10. Hi!

    Fennec Fox:
    They have very large ears which help disperse excess body heat on hot days in the desert. Also they have kidneys adapted to control water loss. Their nocturnal lifestyle helps restrict water loss too.
    Their thick fur helps protect them from the cold desert nights.
    Their sandy fur helps to mirror heat, and also with it, they have a very good camouflage.

    Yes, monkeys, for example. They have arms, legs and hands adapted to jump from one tree to another. Their hands help them also for catch the food better.

    Bye! :)

  11. Hello!

    They are carnivores, so they eat insects, worms, snails, fish, and other small animals. When it detects some of this animals it flicks out its long tonge, who traps the animal and pulls it in the frog's mouth. Frogs have teeth but they are so small and so not really good for chewing. The orbits of a frog's eyes don't have bottoms. The finger and toe of a frog have adhesive that enable the animal to climb.

    *Yes, the stonefish.


  12. ~ Polars bears keep warm by two different ways: one, with an especial layer of their skin, and another, with a big layer of fur. Thet also hace a special nose for close it when they swim. They walk well in snow because of their big legs and their white colour helps them to confused it in the snow and ice.

    ~ Yes, for example dolphins have spindle form (in Spanish, fusiforme)


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