

An Anglicism is a word borrowed from English into another language. In Spain, the adoption of English words is extremely common in the spheres of business and information technology:

                                   marketing      manager    software      blog     email

But we can find English words everywhere although sometimes we have a word or expression in Spanish with the same meaning (backstage-entre bastidores). Just look carefully around you and you'll read or hear English words everyday:

                       bacon     camping     hobby     airbag     aftershave  top model  

Look for ten examples of anglicisms and tell us where you read or heard them. Do we have a Spanish equivalent for any of them? It's going to be easier than you think, there are lots of them because ENGLISH IS ALL AROUND!


  1. Parking = Aparcamiento
    Burguer = Hamburguesería
    Aftersun = Crema hidratante para después del sol
    Gym = Gimnasio
    Catering = Empresa que prepara comida para comedores, reuniones, etc.
    Halloween = Día de los Santos
    E-mail = Correo Electrónico
    Internet = No tiene en español, es Internet
    Emoticon = Emoticono
    Señal de ''STOP'' = Señal que significa ''PARA''

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. DVD=Disco de video digital.
    Aerobic= no tiene palabra:aerobic.
    Clip= no tiene palabra española:clip.
    Cool= guay.
    Full= lo peor.
    Walkie tokie=No tiene palabra española walkie tokie.
    Whisky:No tiene palabra española es whisky.
    Water polo: no tiene palabra española es water polo.


  4. Guay: chulo
    Catering: empresa preparadora de comidas
    Parquing: aparcamiento
    Burguer: hamburguesería
    Pudding: un postre
    Fashion: a la moda
    Jeans: vaqueros
    OK: de acuerdo
    Internet: internet
    STOP: parar

  5. Hello! These are my anglicims:
    -CD:Disco Compacto
    -Click:Pulsar el botón
    -Ketchup:Salsa de tomate.

    Bye Bye

  6. Hello ! Here are my anglicisms:
    ~Backstage - detrás del escenario
    ~Bye - adiós
    ~Chat - conversación
    ~Chequear - examinar , explorar , revisar.
    ~Click - chasquido , ruido al presionar el ratón del ordenador.
    ~Clip - grapa o punto metálico
    ~Corner - expresión utilizada en fútbol para decir saque de esquina
    ~Crazy - loco
    ~Disket - unidad de almacenamiento masivo computacionales
    ~Comfort - comodidad , bienestar

  7. Hello! Here you have 10 anglicisms:

    *Aerobic-> ejercicios Aerobicos.
    *Email-> mensaje electrónico.
    *Ketchup->tomate frito.
    *Whisky->bebida con alcohol.

  8. Hello! My 10 anglicisms are:

    >E-mail: Correo electrónico.
    >Stop: Pararse, detenerse.
    >Bar: Establecimiento de bebidas que suelen servirse en el mostrador.
    >CD: Disco compacto.
    >DVD: Disco de vídeo digital.
    >Corner: expresión utilizada en el fútbol para demarcar una esquina o la salida del balón por una de las líneas de fondo.
    >Cool: expresión usada para denotar algo entretenido.
    >Brother (hermano): Expresión que denota a un amigo.
    >Bye: Adiós.
    >Aerobic: Ejercicios Aeróbicos.


  9. Hello! My ten angliscisms are:
    -Míster ---> entrenador
    -Footing ---> correr (con un ritmo no muy alto)
    -Bacon ---> tocino
    -Basket ---> baloncesto
    -Top ---> camiseta (corta)
    -Clip ---> grapa
    -Corner ---> esquina (del campo de un campo específico para jugar al fútbol)
    -Confort ---> comodidad
    -Disket ---> Disquete (una parte de un ordenador)
    -Feeling ---> sentimientos
    Bye! These are my anglycisms.

  10. Hello!

    - Baseball: Bisbol
    - Stop: parar
    - Disket: disquete.
    - CD: Disco compacto.
    - DVD: Disco de vídeo digital.
    - Email: Mensaje electrónico enviado a través de la red.
    - Drive in: cine de autos.
    - Click: chasquido.
    - Chat: conversación.
    - Cool: expresión usada para detonar algo entretenido.

    There are my ten anglicisms.

  11. Hello!

    Corner------Saque de esquina

  12. Hi!:)

    Stop-> Para
    Email-> Correo electrónico
    Sandwich-> Bocadillo
    Parking-> Aparcamiento
    Fashion-> Ir a la moda
    Internet-> Internet
    Hallowen-> Día de todos los santos
    Aerobic-> Ejercicios aeróbicos
    Hi!-> Expresión que se usa para decir hola entre amigos
    Whisky-> Whisky( bebida alcolica)


    Parking = In Cordoba, for example in the shopping centre
    Burguer = In Macdonals or Burger King
    Aftersun = In summer, when I swim in beach
    Gym = In
    Catering = In, for example, the christmas, when the family eat and take away thing for restaurants, etc.
    Halloween = The last month, at the end, the 31st.
    E-mail = Everywhere! For example, in the internet.
    Internet = In the computers, in books, etc.
    Emoticon = In chats, or messenger, or others as them. They are also called Smileys.
    Señal de ''STOP'' = In the road.

  14. HELLOO!
    This is my ten anglicisms:
    2.Beef steak--->Loncha de carne
    3.CD--->Disco compacto
    4.Web cam--->Cámara web
    5.DVD--->Disco de video digital
    6.E-mail--->mensaje electronico
    That all class.

  15. Hello!
    I'm going to say where I saw these anglicisms:
    -Guay: I don´t saw this word in any site. It is a word very pronunciate here.
    -Catering: I saw it in many restaurants or another sites wich preparate food.
    -Parking: I saw it in the comercial centers or in the supermarkets.
    -Burguer: I saw it in the restaurants of fast food.
    -Pudding: Is a dessert and I saw it in the menu of the restaurants.
    -Fashion: I saw it in the TV when they say that something is modern.
    -Jeans: Is a type of trousers very popular in young people.
    -OK: Is an English expression used in Spain for say that all is right.
    -Internet: Is another English word. In Spanish it doesn´t translate.
    -STOP: Is a traffical signal.

  16. Stop- I see it always when I go to school.
    Bar- I hear it when my father say " Igo to bar to buy cigarettes.
    CD- when I say I'm going to put this CD.
    Chat- When I say i'm going to chat on the chat.
    Corner- when I see a football match.
    DVD- when I put the TV and I put a film I say th DVD.
    Football- when I say I'm going to play football
    Flash-When I take a photo I say put off the flash please.
    Gel- I hear it When my mother say we need to buy gel.

  17. Hello!

    1.Stop Sign: When you see a stop sign and means taht pairs.

    2.CD: When I´m going to shopping ans says that you are buying a CD.

    3.Baseball: Is a sport.

    4. Email: You see in internet.

    5. Drive in: Is on the outskirst of the city. And you say that you want to go see a movie.

    6. Chat: You can see in internet. And is when you write a conversation with another person.

    7. Cool: Is an expressions, when you say that it is very beautiful.

    8. DVD: When you want to match a movie on the DVD.

    9. Confort: When you say that you are comfortable.

    10. OK: Is an expressions that used when you say that this is correct.

    There are my ten anglicisms.


  18. Hello again!

    >E-mail: When somebody want chat with other person through Internet, he send an 'e-mail'.
    >Stop: When I go out in many street I see this word.
    >Bar: When I am going to eat out of my house, I go to a 'bar'.
    >CD: Where there are many types of music together.
    >DVD: In my house, I have a 'DVD' to watch films in the TV.
    >Corner: When somebody throws the ball out, we say that is a 'corner'.
    >Cool: When I like something, I think ''this is very cool''.
    >Brother: I hear this word when a person say to another person, because for him is a very good friend!
    >Bye: When I want to say goodbye, sometimes we say only 'Bye'.
    >Aerobic: I hear this word when somebody practise it. This means make exercise.


  19. There are some anglicism

    4-CD:Disco Compacto
    5-OK: de acuerdo
    6-Internet: internet
    7-STOP: parar
    8-Ketchup:Salsa de tomate.
    9-Aerobic:Un tipo de ejercicio
    10-Hallowen:Fiesta del dia de todos los Santos

  20. Hello! I am going to say yo where I heard or read the anglicism that I said before.

    *Relax->when my father arrives at home, when he finishes work and says: Now is my time of relax.

    *Stop-> I see it when I am on the road.

    *Football-> I see it in the TV and many times when my friends say that they are going to play football. It is a usual word.

    *Aerobic-> I see it in a film but I don't remember the name of the film.

    *E-mail-> I see it always, when I am going to seend an e-mail to a friend.

    *Hockey-> I see it in the TV, when my father put this tipe of sport on the TV.

    *Ketchup-> I see it in the supermarket.

    *Líder-> Many times, in P.E, we say: who is going to be the lider of the group?

    *Sándwich-> I make me a sandwich every day, and in the place where the bread is found, put: SANDWICH.

    *Whisky-> I heard it when I go to a bar.


    Stop-> When I go out in many street I see this word.
    Email-> When somebody want chat with other person through Internet, he send an 'e-mail'.
    Sandwich-> I make me a sandwich every day. For example my mother always make a sandwich often before I fence.
    Parking-> In Cordoba, for example in the shopping centre(Corte-inglés).
    Fashion-> I saw it in the TV when they say that something is modern.
    Internet-> Is another English word. In Spanish it doesn´t translate.
    Aftersun -> In summer, when I swim in beach
    Aerobic-> I see it in a film but I don't remember the name of the film.
    Corner-> When somebody throws the ball out, we say that is a 'corner'.
    Confort-> When you say that you are comfortable.
    Whisky-> Whisky( bebida alcolica)


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