
Hägar says "Hello, kids!"

Hello, my dear students. Just a couple of words to give you my warm welcome to your second year in the bilingual section of the school. I hope you had a good summer. My summer was great! I did nothing!!!!
Now it's time to start travelling again and I need to brush up on my English. I need it if I want to make contact with the people in other villages.
What do you think? Why do you need English? There are lots of possible answers.


  1. Hello, Hägar! :D

    I think that that idea of to travell to other villages is a good idea, but I don't like very much these idea, but we to became accustomed to this activiity.
    We need English is the most important language in this moment and the English help us in the future.

    Bye! I say you tomorrow! :)

  2. Hi , Hägar!
    Travel to other villages is a very good idea because you can meet other new things and people. I think that we need the English because at present is the most important language in the world and lot of people know speak English now.
    Happy for see you again , Hägar
    Bye :)

  3. Hello, Hagär!
    I think travelling is very interesting but I don't like it so much because you have to spend a lot of time in the travel.
    English is very important because in the future if you travel to England (for example) you have to know some English.This language is the second most important one.
    It's also necessary to some jobs like the commerce.


  4. Hello, Hagär!

    I think that travel is a very good idea, because you can speak different languages; and the most important reason you can know a lot of people. To me English lenguage is the best thing taht I can do for improve you carrier. Now people need to leanr English language because they should know English to get a good job.

  5. Hi Hagär!

    Travelling is a iteresting activuty, but, it's a little bit boring, because we spent a lot of time in the travel (by car, by plane, by bus, etc.) In my opinion, when yo come to the place, it's a beautiful feeling.

    I think that if we like travelling, we must speak English, because is the Earth's language, and almost all people know it. If you go to Australia: English. To USA: English. To Sudafrica: English. English is everywhere! :)

  6. Hello Hagär!!

    The idea of travel around the world is an interesting idea, i like it! I like traveling because we learn more cultures and languages. It's true, we spend a lot of time in the travel, but is a beautiful experience.

    I think English is important because if you travel to other country and you don't know the language of this country you can use English, because is the language of the Earth. Also, English is important for the future, in almost all the jobs is very important this language. I like very much English and English is everywhere!

  7. Hello Hagär!

    I thing that is a good idea becouse you can meet other things and other new people. I like traveling,but I only travel to other sites of Spain, to France and to Andorra.
    I think English is very important becouse you can meet people of other country that know English.


  8. Hi Hagär!

    I thing that is a good idea because you can meet other things and other new people.. I think that we need the English because at present is the most important language in the world and lot of people know speak English now.

  9. Hi Hagär¡
    I think that is a good idea travel because you can meet another culture and do you know how are the persons that live there. I think that we need English because now is the most important language of the world and i think that there is a language that do you want to needed in all.

  10. Hi Hagär!
    In my opinion, travel is very good for meet people and for speak another languages.
    English is so well because now you need it for your job.

  11. Hi Hagär!
    In my opinion, travel is very good for meet people and for speak another languages.
    English is so well because now you need it for your job.

  12. Hi Hagär!
    In my opinion travel is very good becuse you can meet people and speak other languages.
    English is so much important for your future job.

  13. Hello Hagär!

    I think that travel is a very good idea for learn more English (or de lenguage that the people speak in the country) and you can learn also, a lot of cultures and people, yo can see monuments, parks and a lot of places more!

    I think that with English, you can go to many places, because many people speak it.

    Good luck, Hagär!

  14. Hello Hägar!!

    I think that travel is very interested idea to know new persons, new cultures and new cities.

    I think that the explore the world is a special adventure.


  15. Hello Hägar

    I think that tavel is very funny and interested idea
    because you know person with others cultures,new monumets

    Because the English is the most important language and very much people speak English


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