Look at the photo. What is this butterfly's name?
Try to find out information about its migration.
For example:
What country do they leave in spring? Where do they go to?
Where do they lay their eggs?...
Desde este espacio de encuentro, quiero dar la enhorabuena a aquellos/as alumnos/as que han participado en el Maratón de lectura organizado por el grupo ALAULA, en especial a nuestro compañero RAFAEL DÍAZ TENDERO del grupo 1º ESO B, por su constancia, tenacidad y su capacidad de trabajo en este ámbito y, por supuesto, por ocupar un puesto en el ranking de los ¡10 primeros!, compitiendo con alumnos y alumnas de otros centros y de cursos ¡superiores al suyo!.
Por ello, el profesorado quiere animarlo a que prosiga con esta labor que, seguro, ¡obtendrá su recompensa!
Christmas is a truly magical season, bringing families and friends together to share customs and traditions. Most people are on holiday in the UK and stay at home with their family on Christmas day, the main day for Christmas celebrations in Britain. They put up Christmas decorations, have dinner together, sing carols and exchange presents...
Have a look at this video and tell me what you think.
Have a look at this video and tell me what you think.
- Are Christmas presents the most important for you at Christmas? Why / Why not?
- Which kind of present do you prefer?
- Do you usually buy presents for you parents at Christmas?
Ya estamos inmersos en plena Navidad y qué mejor que felicitárnosla con música, baile y buenos deseos; así que te propongo que crees tu propio elfo navideño, tal y como yo he hecho, y le dediques tu mejor sonrisa a todos tus seres queridos y nos hagas partícipes de ello, en este post. Así que, ¡adelante, enséñanos tu mejor baile!
*Por cierto, en el post navideño de 2º ESO he dejado otra de mis actuaciones navideñas ¡échale un vistazo!
¿Tu aimes chanter? Clique sur l'image et regarde la vidéo. Tu as aussi les paroles de la chanson. Mémorise les paroles pour chanter en classe... Bon courage!
Comment s'appelle la chanteuse?
Quel âge elle a?
Quelle est sa nationalité?
Tu aimes la chanson?
Quels mots tu connais?
Comment s'appelle la chanteuse?
Quel âge elle a?
Quelle est sa nationalité?
Tu aimes la chanson?
Quels mots tu connais?
Continental Drift
Hello boys and girls, I found an interesting map in the World Wide Web (Internet for friends) that is very interesting. But I have now some doubts. Can anyone help me?:
1) What kind of information does the map show us?
2) Can you tell me how many earthquakes in the last week?
3) Would you mind to give an explanation of the earthquake event?
John Lennon
30 years ago, John Lennon was killed in New York. A great composer, a man of peace, Lennon is an icon of the 20th century culture. Have you ever listened to any of his songs? "Imagine" is one of my favourite songs. Listen carefully because the message is still relevant today. Do you like it? Another question: Who is the woman that appears next to Lennon in the video? Leave your answers and your comments here.
Divisibility Bingo!
Congratulations to
Inma and Guillermo
for their positive mark playing bingo!! This one was trickier, so you must work harder if you want a positive point.Best luck for the next bingo!!
Flexibilizan el uso de la nueva Ortografía española
Finalmente, aprovechando la celebración de la Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara (México), las 22 academias de la Lengua española, han determinado que los cambios ortográficos propuestos a principios del mes de noviembre son sólo una propuesta, una recomendación, por lo que los usuarios de la lengua no estamos en la obligación de utilizar dichas propuestas.
¿Cuál es tu opinión a este respecto?
Winter is near and the weather is not very good, is it? Do you remember all the weather expressions Gosia taught you? We could revise some of them.
Click here http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/practise-listening/whats-the-weather and practise the vocabulary learnt.
What was the weather like yesterday in Montoro? And today?
Erathostenes test
In this post you will see a presentation about Erathostenes, and then you will have to answer a test. Who was he? Why was he so important? Open your mind and...
let's see what you can learn about Erathostenes
(Time limit: December 1, 2010)
Esta misma mañana ha sido otorgado el Premio Cervantes a la escritora Ana Mª Matute. Desde hace unos días, su nombre se alzaba con fuerza entre los favoritos y, finalmente, se ha alzado con él tras toda una vida dedicada a la literatura.
Contesta a las siguientes cuestiones:
1. Fecha y lugar de nacimiento de la autora
2. Obras destacadas
3. Algunos de los galardones recibidos a lo largo de su carrera literaria
4. ¿Qué ha bebido la autora al enterarse de que, finalmente, era la premiada?
5. ¿A autores de qué nacionalidad es otorgado el Premio Cervantes?
6. ¿En qué año fue instituido?
7. ¿Cuál es la dotación económica que recibe el/la autor/a galardonado/a?
Tu as un animal?
Tu connais déjà quelques animaux: le chat, le chien, le pingouin...
Clique sur l'image pour connaître d'autres animaux.
Tu as des animaux à la maison?
Quels animaux tu aimes?
Vertebrate Mistery Story
Following the clues try to find out the mysterious group of vertebrates:
1. This is the only vertebrate group to have hollow bones.
2 The most massive bone found in this group of vertebrates is the "keel" or the "breast bone".
3. Like one other vertebrate group, this group is warm-blooded and mantains a high body temperature.
4. This group lay eggs.
5. It is theorized that this group of vertebrates were the descendants of dinosaurs.
6. These vertebrates are adapted to a highly specialized method of movement of locomotion.
Following the clues try to find out the mysterious group of vertebrates:
1. This is the only vertebrate group to have hollow bones.
2 The most massive bone found in this group of vertebrates is the "keel" or the "breast bone".
3. Like one other vertebrate group, this group is warm-blooded and mantains a high body temperature.
4. This group lay eggs.
5. It is theorized that this group of vertebrates were the descendants of dinosaurs.
6. These vertebrates are adapted to a highly specialized method of movement of locomotion.
Maratón de lectura
Interactive map
Hello again!!
I've come back in order to propose you a challenge.
Follow this link and complete the task. Let's see who is able to do a perfect score.
Don't cheat.
Citas célebres sobre la lectura
En este post os propongo que busquéis citas y frases célebres acerca de la aventura de leer, de los libros y del enriquecimiento que la lectura nos aporta. Además, realizad un breve comentario sobre la misma. Hay cientos de ellas, así que espero no ver ninguna repetida.
Comienzo yo:
De los diversos instrumentos inventados por el hombre, el más asombroso es el libro; todos los demás son extensiones de su cuerpo... Sólo el libro es una extensión de la imaginación y la memoria.
Jorge Luis Borges, escritor
Powers and Radicals BINGO!!
Congratulations to
Martín, Juanma, Rafa and Coke
for their positive mark playing bingo!! All of you made an exellent work and tried really hard to get the positive, but I only had four to give out.Best luck for the next bingo!!
Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday with religious significance in the United States. Family feast is an important tradition during Thanksgiving. The entire family sits at the table during dinner. Relatives living in different places drive down to be with their family.
It's always celebrated in the month of November but the date varies every year. Could you tell me when is Thanksgiving Day celebrated in 2010?
The family in the picture is going to enjoy a typical Thanksgiving dinner. Could you find out which is the main course during the celebration?
La primera propuesta que os hago tienen que ver con lo que hemos tratado en clase, recientemente. Ya que todos/as estáis introduciéndoos en este espacio:
1. Dad la bienvenida a vuestros compañeros en las diferentes lenguas oficial y co-oficiales de nuestro país.
1. Dad la bienvenida a vuestros compañeros en las diferentes lenguas oficial y co-oficiales de nuestro país.
Hola, a todos/as, desde el área de LENGUA CASTELLANA Y LITERATURA quiero daros la bienvenida a este nuevo espacio de encuentro, a través el cual vamos a enriquecer y ampliar nuestros conocimientos de las distintas áreas y materias, además de hacerlo de una forma divertida. Por ello, ÁNIMO para participar y construir entre todos este punto de encuentro.
Salut! Je suis votre professeur de français. Écoutez la chanson, regardez la vidéo et chantez...
1. Vous aimez la musique? Et les images?
2. Quels mots vous comprenez ?
1. Vous aimez la musique? Et les images?
2. Quels mots vous comprenez ?
The sextant
Hello to everybody! The object in the image is a sextant. A sextant is an instrument used to measure the angle between two objects. It is used in navigation in order to get the exact position, longitude and latitude:
1) Can anyone tell me who was the inventor?
2) Is this instrument similar to the Astrolabium?
3) What is the actual instrument to locate something over the Earth surface?
A hard addition
Discover the value for each symbol
to make a perfect addition.
& | # | # | |
# | 5 | & | |
+ | 1 | & | # |
* | 1 | * |
Use the comments to answer.
Translated and adapted from the book "El País de las mates 1" by Miquel Capó
Translated and adapted from the book "El País de las mates 1" by Miquel Capó
A new adventure starts for you. We have a long way to go and lots of interesting things to learn. I hope we'll have a good time learning English together. So, Why not a joke to start...?
Mother: How was your first day at school?
Son: It was all right except for some man called "Teacher" who kept spoiling all our fun!
Do you know any school joke?
Welcome to your blog! Here you will find lots of interesting posts about music, school, daily life, languages and many more things. Stay tuned!!
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