

Have you ever been curious about something?

I think we are all curious and we want to know things like: where we came from, how the universe was created and things like that.
Sometimes we do not know things that are interesting but not very important as previous.
Here I bring you some curiosities that I suppose you interest.

Curiosity 1

Do you know that  Ernes Vincent wrote a novel calles "Gadsby" which contains over 50,000 words and none of which contain the letter "e".

Curiosity 2

Do you that in space astronauts can not mourn because the absence of gravitational attraction, the tears can not flow.

Curiosity 3

The praying mantis is the only insect that can turn its head 180º.

Curiosity 4

A lump of pure gold the size of a matchbox can be flattened to make a sheet the size of a tennis court.


-Write another curiosity that you think is interesting.
-Are you curious?
-Why do you think people are curious?



  1. Marruecos (Rabat) 
  2. Argelia (Argel) 
  3. Sáhara Occidental (El Aaiún) 
  4. Mauritania (Nuakchot) 
  5. Senegal (Dakar)
  6. Gambia (Banjul)
  7. Guinea-Bissau (Bissau)
  8. Guinea (Conakry)
  9. Sierra Leona (Freetown)
  10. Liberia (Monrovia)
  11. Costa de Marfil (Abiyán/ Yamusukro)
  12. Malí (Bamako)
  13. Ghana (Accra)
  14. Togo (Lome)
  15. Benín (Cotonou)
  16. Burkina Faso (Uagadugú)
  17. Níger (Niamey)
  18. Nigeria (Abuja)
  19. Túnez (Túnez)
  20. Libia (Trípoli)
  21. Egipto (El Cairo)
  22. Chad (Yamena)
  23. Sudán (Jartum)
  24. Eritrea (Asmara)
  25. Yibuti (Yibuti)
  26. Etiopía (Adís Abeba)
  27. Somalia (Mogadiscio)
  28. Kenia (Nairobi)
  29. Uganda (Kampala)
  30. República Centroafricana (Bangui)
  31. Camerún (Yaundé)
  32. Guinea Ecuatorial (Malabo)
  33. Santo Tomé y Príncipe (Santo Tomé)
  34. Gabón (Libreville)
  35. Congo (Brazzaville)
  36. República Democrática del Congo (Kinshasa)
  37. Ruanda (Kigali)
  38. Burundi (Buyumbura)
  39. Tanzania (Dodoma)
  40. Comoras (Moroni)
  41. Madagascar (Antananarivo)
  42. Angola (Luanda)
  43. Zambia (Lusaka)
  44. Malaui (Lilongüe)
  45. Mozambique (Maputo)
  46. Zimbabue (Harare)
  47. Botsuana (Gaborone)
  48. Namibia (Windhoek)
  49. Suazilandia (Mbabane/ Lobamba)
  50. Lesoto (Maseru)
  51. Sudáfrica (Pretoria/ Ciudad del Cabo/ Bloemfontein)

  1. Canadá (Ottawa)
  2. Estados Unidos (Washington DC)
  3. México (México DF)
  4. Bahamas (Nassau)
  5. Cuba (La Habana)
  6. Jamaica (Kingston)
  7. Haití (Puerto Príncipe)
  8. República Dominicana (Santo Domingo)
  9. Puerto Rico (San Juan)
  10. San Cristóbal y Nieves (Basseterre)
  11. Antigua y Barbuda (Saint John)
  12. Dominica (Roseau)
  13. Santa Lucía (Castries)
  14. San Vicente y las Granadinas (Kingstown)
  15. Barbados (Bridgetown)
  16. Granada (Saint George)
  17. Trinidad y Tobago (Puerto España)
  18. Guatemala (Ciudad de Guatemala)
  19. Belice (Belmopán)
  20. El Salvador (San Salvador)
  21. Honduras (Tegucigalpa)
  22. Nicaragua (Managua)
  23. Costa Rica (San José)
  24. Panamá (Panamá)
  25. Venezuela (Caracas)
  26. Colombia (Bogotá)
  27. Ecuador (Quito)
  28. Perú (Lima)
  29. Guyana (Georgetown)
  30. Surinam (Paramaribo)
  31. Brasil (Brasilia)
  32. Bolivia (Sucre)
  33. Chile (Santiago de Chile)
  34. Paraguay (Asunción)
  35. Argentina (Buenos Aires)
  36. Uruguay (Montevideo)

    1. Australia (Canberra)
    2. Islas Marianas del Norte (Saipán)
    3. Palaos (Melekeok)
    4. Micronesia (Palikir)
    5. Islas Marshall (Majuro)
    6. Papúa Nueva Guinea (Puerto Moresby)
    7. Nauru (Yaren)
    8. Islas Salomón (Honiara)
    9. Kiribati (Tarawa Sur)
    10. Vanuatu (Port Vila)
    11. Nueva Caledonia (Numea)
    12. Tuvalu (Funafuti)
    13. Fiyi (Suba)
    14. Wallis y Futuna (Mata-Utu)
    15. Tanga (Nukualofa)
    16. Samoa (Apia)
    17. Nueva Zelanda (Wellington)
    18. Samoa Americana (Pago Pago)
    19. Islas Cook (Avarua)
    20. Polinesia Francesa (Papeete)
    21. Islas Pitcairn (Adamstown)
    22. Tokelau (Nukunonu/ Atafu/ Tokelau)

    1. Rusia (Moscú)
    2. Mongolia (Ulán Bator)
    3. Kazajistán (Astaná)
    4. China (Pekín)
    5. Corea del Norte (Pionyang)
    6. Corea del Sur (Seúl)
    7. Japón (Tokio)
    8. Vietnam (Hanói)
    9. Laos (Vientián)
    10. Camboya (Nom Pen)
    11. Tailandia (Bangkok)
    12. Malasia (Kuala Lumpur)
    13. Brunéi Darussalam (Bandar Seri Begawan)
    14. Singapur (Ciudad de Singapur)
    15. Indonesia (Yakarta)
    16. Timor Oriental (Dili)
    17. Filipinas (Manila)
    18. Myanmar/ Birmania (Naipyidó)
    19. Bangladés (Daca)
    20. India (Nueva Delhi)
    21. Sri Lanka (Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte)
    22. Bután (Timbu)
    23. Nepal (Katmandú)
    24. Kirguistán (Biskek)
    25. Uzbekistán (Taskent)
    26. Tayikistán (Dusambé)
    27. Turkmenistán (Asjabad)
    28. Afganistán (Kabul)
    29. Pakistán (Islamabad)
    30. Irán (Teherán)
    31. Azerbaiyán (Bakú)
    32. Georgia (Tiflis)
    33. Armenia (Ereván)
    34. Turquía (Ankara)
    35. Siria (Damasco)
    36. Líbano (Beirut)
    37. Palestina (formado por las regiones de Cisjordania y la Franja de Gaza)
    38. Israel (Jerusalén)
    39. Jordania (Amán)
    40. Kuwait Bahréin (Kuwait y Manama)
    41. Qatar (Doha)
    42. Arabia Saudí (Riad)
    43. Emiratos Árabes Unidos (Abu Dhabi)
    44. Omán (Mascate)
    45. Yemen (Saná)
    46. Irak (Bagdad)  


  1. España (Madrid)
  2. Portugal (Lisboa)
  3. Francia (París)
  4. Italia (Roma)
  5. Suiza (Berna)
  6. Liechtenstein (Vaduz)
  7. Alemania (Berlín)
  8. Luxemburgo (Luxemburgo)
  9. Bélgica (Bruselas)
  10. Países Bajos (Ámsterdam)
  11. Austria (Viena)
  12. República Checa (Praga)
  13. Eslovenia (Liubliana)
  14. Croacia (Zagreb)
  15. Bosnia-Herzegovina (Sarajevo)
  16. Montenegro (Podgorica)
  17. Serbia (Belgrado)
  18. Albania (Tirana)
  19. Macedonia (Skopie)
  20. Grecia (Atenas)
  21. Bulgaria (Sofía)
  22. Turquía (Ankara)
  23. Rumanía (Bucarest)
  24. Moldavia (Chisinau)
  25. Ucrania (Kiev)
  26. Polonia (Varsovia)
  27. Bielorrusia (Minsk)
  28. Hungría (Budapest)
  29. Eslovaquia (Bratislava)
  30. Rusia (Moscú)
  31. Lituania (Vilna)
  32. Letonia (Riga)
  33. Estonia (Tallin)
  34. Finlandia (Helsinki)
  35. Suecia (Estocolmo)
  36. Noruega (Oslo)
  37. Dinamarca (Copenhague)
  38. Reino Unido (Londres)
  39. Irlanda (Dublín)
  40. Islandia (Reikiavik)
  41. Malta (La Valeta)
  42. Chipre (Nicosia)
  43. Mónaco (Mónaco)
  44. Ciudad del Vaticano (Ciudad del Vaticano)
  45. San Marino (San Marino)
  46. Andorra (Andorra la Vella)
  47. Islas Feroe (Thorshavn)



The carnival is a public celebration that takes place immediately before the Christian Lent, combining elements such as costumes, parades and street parties. On the night of Carnaval anything goes and tells the legend that's why they put masks. This feast is often disguise people of all ages, from small children's to seniors, not everyone goes to a princess or superhero costume, chewed some people go to scare people.

The chirigotas are another very important part in the carnival, the chirigotas are a corals ensembles singing carnivalesque character mainly through the streets of the village providing humorous songs. These songs usually have a great time here in our village also has chirigotas and one of these is "The Ortega without Canon". In Spain the best carnivals are those of Tenerife and Cadiz, but Cadiz is where the best chirigotas of all Spain.


Which was the winning chirigota cadiz?
What do you think about the carnival?
Have you dressed this year? In what?