

Desde aquí, queremos felicitar muy cariñosamente a nuestros alumnos de 1ºB que, el Día de la mesas, se alzaron con el primer premio al mejor baile. Esto es el fruto del trabajo, la constancia, la originalidad, la humildad y el trabajo en equipo que habéis llevado a cabo.

Además, debemos hacer extensivo este agradecimiento a nuestra compañera y tutora del grupo: Mª José Adamuz, por la atenta labor que ha llevado a cabo con sus alumnos que, sin duda alguna, les ha llevado a salir victoriosos.

¡Todo el profesorado se siente orgulloso de vosotros!

¡Seguid así!


Decimals, Fractions and Percentages

You already know that you can say the same thing in English, Spanish or French. For example:

  • Hola amigo
  • Hello friend
  • Bonjour ami

The same thing happens with numbers. You can write them as a fraction, as a decimal or as a percentage. Imagine that you have no calculator at all and you have to calculate 16% of 120.

  1. Write how can you make this calculation and 
  2. tell me the decimal number and the simplest fraction expressed by this percentage.
END DATE: Next Friday, February 25th.



Last Sunday 13th, the Goyas Award Ceremony was held. They're the most important awards for the Spanish film industry. On the same date, a similar ceremony took place in London. It's the Bafta Award Ceremony. Alice in Wonderland was nominated to the Bafta Awards in several categories. The film got two Baftas. Which ones?
Have a look at the trailer of the film. Can you name any of the characters that appear?

Surely you know the book.
Who is the author of the novel? When was it first published?
Write your opinion of the book or the film. Which one do you prefer (book or film)? Why?



We are studying in Geography the relationship between climate and landscape. Climate affects flora and fauna and the population's way of life.

We've already learnt that Montoro has a Mediterranean Climate, and now, thanks to the photos Antonio Rodríguez (pupil from 1º ESO B) sends us, we can admire how wonderful its landscapes are.

Sometimes we are so used to our surrounding, we don't notice how beautiful it is.

Enjoy them!



Tu es amoureux ou amoureuse?

Le 14 février c'est la Saint Valentin, la fête de l'amour et de l'amitié.
Les amoureux offrent des fleurs, des chocolats, des gourmandises, des pelouches, une carte postale, une invitation pour aller au cinéma ou au restaurant, un livre, un poème, un C.D. avec des chansons...

1. Et toi, quels cadeaux tu préfères?
2. Voilà quelques chansons d'amour. Écoutez et dites quelles sont les chansons que vous aimez le plus.

Je préfère la chanson de... Le titre est ...
J'adore la chanson de...
J'aime les chansons de...
Je n'aime pas la chanson de...


Hold my hand

It seems you like this song very much. Well, I do too. Here you have the official video. And if you click here, you will find the lyrics.

1. What do you know about Michael Jackson?
2. What is the message of the song?
3. Why do you like it so much?


Hägar, the Viking is back

Hi, kids. Here is Hägar again with his wife Helga. Have you ever wondered how girls can have so many things in such a small purse? Well, that's a question without an answer, I'm afraid!
Now, what has Helga got in her purse? And why does she need those things? Leave your comments below.

A bit of history now:
The Vikings were in Britain for some time. Click here to find out about that and answer these questions:
1. When did the Vikings invade Britian?
2. Where did they come from?
3. Were they good travellers?
4. Who were Odin and Thor?



1. Qui sont ces personnages? Qui sont les auteurs de la B.D.?

2. Tu peux les présenter et faire une petite description?



Os propongo un nuevo reto: a continuación, se presentan sentencias y frases célebres que han salido de la boca o de la pluma de los grandes autores literarios de la literatura universal. Tu misión será: 1) detectar quién es el autor de dichas sentencias y 2) explicar, brevemente, el significado que éstas te sugieran.

  1. Esperando, el nudo se deshace y la fruta madura.

  2. Aprendí que no se pude dar marcha atrás, que la esencia de la vida es ir hacia adelante. En realidad, la vida es una calle de sentido único.

  3. Lo esencial es invisble. Sólo se ve con el corazón.

  4. Uno llega a ser grande por lo que lee, no por lo que escribe.