
School Trip to Gibraltar

Rafa Díaz has made this wonderful video with your pictures. Enjoy it!


Summer Vacation

I have no words to describe this picture.

Click on the image to get a better resolution.
From Spiked Math


Big Challenge 2011

1º ESO B has won the competition this year. You are the winners!
Special congratulations to Juan Antonio, the first one in the group, for his remarkable performance.
Would you like to compete again next year?


Hägar says goodbye

Hello friends! I have heard that you are going to Gibraltar very soon. Well, it's a good land for looting. I hope you have a good time and can practise that barbarian language, English. When you are back, tell me all about it, what you did, what you saw, everything. I will read your comments on my way to stranger lands. Yes, I am travelling too. But I'll be back by next September. I wish you all a wonderful summer. Don't forget about me and tell me what you are going to do.



Bientôt vous partez à Gibraltar...
Vous avez déjà préparé votre valise?

Cliquez sur l'image pour regarder la vidéo, écouter la chanson et complétez les paroles.

Et toi, qu'est-ce que tu vas mettre dans ta valise?

Amusez -vous bien et chantez !

Bon voyage!


A day in Roman Corduba

Last Monday we spent the day in Córdoba. First some guides from the City Town Hall showed us around some of the most important remains of the time when Córdoba was a Roman colony. Then we headed to the Mosque where we had an exciting gymkhana and finally we interviewed some tourists in English! And the best thing was that we met our penfriends from Lucena. It was a great day, wasn't it?


Gibraltar, here we go...!

Our trip to Gibraltar is just around the corner! How much do you know about this British Colony? You should discover some interesting facts before visiting Gibraltar. So click here and find the answer to these questions.

1. Where is Gibraltar located?       
2. How many people live there?
3. Which is the official language? 
4. And the currency?
5. Can we pay with euros in Gibraltar?   
6. Gibraltar was once Spanish, but now it's a British Colony. When did Spain cede Gibraltar to
    Great Britain?       
7. The frontier was closed by Spanish Government in 1969. When was it reopened?
8. When do they celebrate the Gibraltar National Day?

Can you prepare one more question about Gibraltar for your classmates? You can use the information in the link and ask each other during our next tutorial session.


Los jeroglíficos son un sistema de escritura inventado por los antiguos egipciospara comunicarse. Fueron utilizados desde la época predinástica hasta el sglo IV. Se trataba de un sistema al mismo tiempo figurativa, simbólica y fonética.

La lectura y la escritura de estos jeroglíficos era sumamente complicada hasta tal punto que no todos los egipcios eran capaces de llevarlas a cabo. Posteriormente, para la descodificación de los mismos fue decisivo el hallazgo que se produjo en 1799.

Contesta a las siguientes cuestiones:

  1. ¿Cuál fue el hallazgo del que se habla líneas arriba? ¿or parte de quién se produjo?

  2. Elige la imagen de un jeroglífico egipcio y compártela con nosotros.

  3. Escribe ahora tu nombre en jeroglífico; para ello, visita la siguiente web.