

Desde el curso pasado, venimos trabajando en clase las tipologías textuales. Ahora, repasaremos la descripción. Normalmente, no hay problema en reconocerla; la dificultad se plantea cuando tenemos que realizar una descripción, ya que el escaso vocabulario que manejamos, en este sentido, nos impide un correcto y completo diseño de la misma. Por ello, te proponemos:
  1. Completar la actividad que propone el siguiente enlace para enriquecer tu vocabulario.
  2. Lee la información de esta página y añade dos expresiones más a cada columna.
  3. Por último, realiza una descripción de tu persona con las nuevas expresiones que has adquirido.


Geometric approach for arithmetic problems

Hi everyone!

As my first contribution, I hope this one will be curious enough for you.

Do you remember about one of my inquiries in class regarding the easiest thing that anyone can do in Maths?

It was, of course, TO COUNT. Therefore, if you could reduce in some way another kind of problem to a counting-problem, it would be easier. The purpose of this entry is to put an example about this way of reasoning:

"What is the sum of all the numbers from 1 to 500?"

Whenever I mentioned this arithmetic problem in class, it seemed to take too long due to the quantity of sums it required. So let's have a look at another way to figure out the result of the sum:

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + ... (here go all natural numbers between) ... + 497 + 498 + 499 + 500.

If you were counting some things (red dots, for example) that have to do with that situation, they could be displayed as groups by rows, with each group standing for each one of these numbers, and all groups aligned at their beginning, like this:

                                                 •   •       (2)
                                                 •   •   •       (3)
                                                 •   •   •   •       (4)
                                                 •   •   •   •   •       (5)

It is very easy to realize that all groups form a right triangle -with same height as length in dots, so it is isosceles too-, no matter how many numbers you want to consider, in our case 500. And that is very near to be half square with 500 dots on each side.

Now, imagine every dot inside a square box, and add more boxes on each row to complete a big square. It is obvious that we have  500 · 500  boxes, the only thing left to decide is how many of them have a red dot. It will help if we colour diagonal boxes in blue, and other boxes with dots in yellow, like in the picture below.

Boxes in both colours match to those with a dot. Notice that blue boxes must be exactly 500.

And what about yellow ones?.  Notice that there are same number of yellow boxes as no-color boxes, so they are

(500 · 500 - 500) : 2 = 124 750 .

Hence, the red dots are 125 250.

By the way... ...Could you apply this to other examples?


Hägar says "Hello, kids!"

Hello, my dear students. Just a couple of words to give you my warm welcome to your second year in the bilingual section of the school. I hope you had a good summer. My summer was great! I did nothing!!!!
Now it's time to start travelling again and I need to brush up on my English. I need it if I want to make contact with the people in other villages.
What do you think? Why do you need English? There are lots of possible answers.



An Anglicism is a word borrowed from English into another language. In Spain, the adoption of English words is extremely common in the spheres of business and information technology:

                                   marketing      manager    software      blog     email

But we can find English words everywhere although sometimes we have a word or expression in Spanish with the same meaning (backstage-entre bastidores). Just look carefully around you and you'll read or hear English words everyday:

                       bacon     camping     hobby     airbag     aftershave  top model  

Look for ten examples of anglicisms and tell us where you read or heard them. Do we have a Spanish equivalent for any of them? It's going to be easier than you think, there are lots of them because ENGLISH IS ALL AROUND!