Have you ever been curious about something?
I think we are all curious and we want to know things like: where we came from, how the universe was created and things like that.
Sometimes we do not know things that are interesting but not very important as previous.
Here I bring you some curiosities that I suppose you interest.
Do you know that Ernes Vincent wrote a novel calles "Gadsby" which contains over 50,000 words and none of which contain the letter "e".
Curiosity 2
Do you that in space astronauts can not mourn because the absence of gravitational attraction, the tears can not flow.
Curiosity 3
The praying mantis is the only insect that can turn its head 180º.
Curiosity 4
A lump of pure gold the size of a matchbox can be flattened to make a sheet the size of a tennis court.
-Write another curiosity that you think is interesting.
-Are you curious?
-Why do you think people are curious?