
The world footbal cup

The FIFA world cup or world cup is the most important  event in football all the countries fight for a post in the tournament.

In the tournament plays 32 countries and is divided in 8 groups of 4, this named the clasificatories.

In this clasificatories the countries plays 3 matches with the countries of their group ,(1 match for team). Only the 2 first team of each pass to eights this is equal to 16 teams and 8 matches.


The first team that won this cup was Uruguay in their country in 1930. 

So now a days there were 20 campeonats.
The last  winner there was Spain!!!, in South Africa with the goal of Andrés Iniesta in the minute 116.
But the most winner of this cup is Brazil with 5 cups.

The next cup is going to be in Brazil and the best team to win is Spain.

1.How many teams are in the cup?
2.What is the real name of this cup?
3.In this cup can play the Real Madrid or the F.C Barcelona?
4.Who Was the first winner?
5.Who was the last winner?Where?