
Federico García Lorca

Born in Fuente Vaqueros, Granada, Spain, June 5,1898; died near Granada, August 19,1936, García Lorca is Spain's most deeply appreciated and highly revered poet and dramatist. His murder by the Nationalists at the start of the Spanish civil war brought sudden international fame.Federico belongs at the famous "Generation of the 27".  

 As a poet, his early reputation rested on the Romancero gitano the poems of Poema del Cante Jondo,and Llanto por Ignacio Sanchez Mejias. In 1918 published his first book "Impresiones y paisajes".In 1920 he premiered his work in theater"El maleficio de la mariposa ".In 1921 he published "Libro de Poemas" and in 1927 he exhibiting his first painting shows.

In 1929 he went to New York.Of his trip and stay in New York comes the book Poet in New York.In 1930 he went to Havana, where he wrote most of his works." Así que pasen cinco años y El público" That year he returned to Spain, where he was received in Madrid with the news that the popular farce " La zapatera prodigiosa " was staging.

Here it´s a little part of Lament for Ignacio Sánchez Mejías.

1. Cogida and death 
At five in the afternoon.
It was exactly five in the afternoon.
A boy brought the white sheet
at five in the afternoon.
A frail of lime ready prepared
at five in the afternoon.
The rest was death, and death alone. 

And  here it´s all the poem.

Now the questions:
1-What happened in 1929?
2-Did you hear something about Federico before?
3-Can you tell me another poem of Federico?
4-When published his first book?


  1. Hello!

    Good post Andrea! Congratulations! Federico Garcia Lorca was an excelent poet and I like so much their poems

    1) They went to New York and he created the book " Poet in New York"

    2) Yes, I did. I heard that he was in the prison and also that he was homosexual.

    3) Granada is other poem of Federico García Lorca

    4) In 1918. It was " Impresiones y paisajes"


  2. Another mistake jaja "I like so much his poems"

  3. Hello!!
    It's a very good post Andrea!! :D Congratulations!!

    1- In 1929 he went to New York.Of his trip and stay in New York comes the book "Poet in New York".

    2- Yes, I knew that he was a poet.

    3- "Amigo,".

    4- In 1918 published his first book "Impresiones y paisajes".

    Good bye!! :)

  4. Hi Andrea! Hi class!

    A great post, congratulations! Federico García Lorca was an incredible writer and the poems I've read are nice. It's quite interesting!

    1| In the year 1929, he went to New York and he wrote his book "Poet in New York"

    2| Yes, of course! I met him because of Andalusian day. At least in my school, we studied a lot of Andalusian poets as Rafael Alberti and García Lorca, so, of course, I met him before. As Antonio said, I knew that he was kill because he was gay, and that he died shot.

    3| One of his poems is "The Fable And Round Of The Three Friends". It says something like that:
    Then I realized I had been murdered. They looked for me in cafes, cemeteries and churches... but they didn't find me. They never found me? No. They never found me.

    4| His first book, "Impresiones y Paisajes" was published in 1918.

    Good post Andrea! I've met something more about this Spanish poet. It's good have general culture!

    Bye class! Bye Andrea!

  5. Hi everybody!

    Congratulations Andrea! As Rafa said, García Lorca was a fantastic writer.. his poems are fantastic too! Thank you to show us a little more about him, I have learnt new things of the culture!

    1. He went to New York and he wrote the book "Poet in New York".

    2. Yes. We talked about him in some of our Language lessons! As Rafa said again, in our high school we learn a lot of information and different things about famous people.

    3. One of his poems is ''It's true''.. It says: Ay, the pain it costs me to love you as I love you! For love of you, the air, it hurts and my heart, and my hat, they hurt me. Who would buy it from me, this ribbon I am holding, and this sadness of cotton, white, for making handkerchiefs with? Ay, the pain it costs me to love you as I love you!

    4. In 1918, he published his first book and this was called: "Impresiones y paisajes".

    Goodbye class!

  6. HELLO!:)

    1.- He wrote his book "Poet in New York" and he went to New York
    2.- Yes, I did. He was homosexual and I heard that he was in the prison.
    3.- ¡Alto pinar!
    4.- In 1918. It was " Impresiones y paisajes".

  7. Hello!

    1. In 1929 he went to New York an wrote "Poet in New York".
    2. Yes, I knew about this poet.
    3. Corazón nuevo.
    4. In 1918. It was " Impresiones y paisajes".


  8. A very good post, Andrea!

    1| He went to New York and he wrote "Poet in New York"

    2| Yes, I had. I had read something about him and his dead on the school.

    3| One of his poems is “Amigo”.

    4| In 1918; it was "Impresiones y Paisajes"


  9. Hello!
    I like so much your post, Andrea, because i didn't know all this things about García Lorca.

    1-He went to New York and there, he wrote the book called "Poet in New York".
    2-I heard the same as Antonio said before: he was at prison and he was homosexual.
    3-"Ciudad sin sueño".
    4-In 1918, it was called "Impresiones y Paisajes".

  10. Hi!
    1>In 1929 he went to New York. There he wrote the book Poet in New York

    2>Yes, he went to the prision and he was homosexual.

    3>An important poem is ``A las cinco de la tarde´´. He wrote this poem to a bullfighter.

    4>In 1918. It was called ``Impresiones y Paisajes.´´

    Good entry!

  11. Hello!

    Andrea good post, Congratulations!

    1-. In 1929 he went to New York and then he wrote the book "Poet in New York".

    2-. Yes, I heard the same as my partners said --> he was at prison and he was homosexual.

    3-. One of his poem is "El río Guadalquivir" in English -->"Guadalquivir River".

    4-. He published his first book in 1918. It was called (Impresiones y Paisajes)



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