

Love is defined as "an emotion of a strong affection and personal attachment", but in my opinion, that one is not the only definition of love because love is many things. I'm going to start to explain "love" from all my points of view:

First, I think that love is the group of feelings that you feel about something. There are two ways to feel love; I'm going to explain them:

On the one hand, when you feel love about a thing, for example: you can love so much the cars, because it's a passion that you like so much, this is the reason for you can arrive to love something. Some people think that love is being loved by someone, but that is incorrect. Also, some people love music, and they think that can be married with the music; almost all the musicians that do music for pleasure, and not for money, feel this.

One the other hand is feel love to another person. There are millions of ways to love to another person, some are these (after every type of love, I'm going to write a sentence to you understand better)  

Love that arrive early/ late. Love arrives when it thinks that is the better moment. There are some people that get along together from 10 years old, like Fernando Torres and his wife, but I think that it's not good, because you are "tied" from you are young, this is badly because you "get tie up" to a person and you can't enjoy some things of the life. "The moment can be any old"

Also, you can find love with 15 years old, 30 years old or 50 years old, there is no an exactly time. There are people that are married with 70 years old, but it isn't any problem, all is permitted in love.  "Never is too late"

- Loving when you feel lonely. If the person that you love doesn't love you, it's a problem because you can do a crazy thing that it isn't necessary, you must wait your turn because the life always gives you all you need, of one way or another. This is a topic very common in society, some people commit suicide, in my opinion these people are crazies, to die for love is useless, don't win nothing. But if you find love, you fell that you are the happiest in the world. "A hundred billion castaways looking for a home"

This is all, I would like you listen THIS SONG about love and also that you understand the "message in a bottle". Then, you must answer my questions for you!



1    1- What is the message that the song try to teach to the people?

      2- Have you ever loved?

      3- Did you live good experiences in love sometime?

      4- Share a love's song with your partners!! 


  1. To listen the song you have to "do click" where is writed THIS SONG.
    I hope that you like it! :D

  2. Hello everybody!
    I want to say to Javi that I think is a fantastic topic to show us here. Love is a special feeling and it is a beautiful post. I can say that is one of my favourites posts, congratulations Javi!! The song is beautiful too, but also it is sad...

    1. I think the song want to make us to think about people who are alone. In conclusion, the loneliness. There are several people who don't have another person to be happy. They are alone, and they are waiting to their better half.

    2. I think that with 14 years, you can't fall in love with someone. Unless that you and the other person were together many years ... I think you fall in love with someone once you you're really mature and you know that this person is who will spend thee rest of your days with you.

    3. Yes, I think love is a beautiful experience and you can share many moments with people you love.

    4. Here is my song, I hope you like it. It's ''One girl lonely less'' - Justin Bieber. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1yLplX1d-0


  3. Hello!

    First, I want to say Javi that love is one of the best term that you can talk us here in this blog. Fantastic post and fantastic song! I have heard it because you said to me that it is a good song and I heard it :D

    1) Like Ana have said, the song is sad and it is relate to the people who is alone. But I think that you don´t need other people in your life to be happy. But now I´m only a guy... I don´t know what I will think few years later

    2) Yes, I have. But in this case, the person that I love didn´t love me.

    3)Refering to a girlfriend, I can´t say anything relate to it but I can say that if you love a person and this person love you, you can live amazing moments...



  4. HI!
    A very good post Javi
    1)I think this song its relate with a people who is alone.
    2)Yes, I have.
    4)There are two songs but with the same title "Somebody to love" One is from Queen and the other is from Justin Bieber.
    Bye class see you tomorrow!

  5. 1- I think the message is that you may think that you are alone when you aren't loved, but there are many people like you, that are waiting to love, but that's what we have to do: wait. (like you have said in your post)

    2-I think that all people have loved someone in their lifes, in differents ways or in differents quantities, but all people have loved. And me, of course too.

    3-I have never had a boyfriend, so, I can't speak so much about this topic, but I think that if your love is corresponded, it would be an amazing experience, but it also have bad parts!

    4-Robbie Williams - She's the one
    I really love this song, it's...I haven't got words.

    I like so much your post,Javi, it makes me think about many things, congratulations! And the song is perfect, I have never heard it, and I really love it, congratulations again Javi, congratulationscongratulationscongratulationscongratulations :)


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi Javi! Hi class!

    I won't talk, as I talk in each entry about my opinion. All is contained in your questions' answers, so read them;)

    1- In my opinion, "the message in the bottle" of this song is that sometimes, we feel like we are the only ones who are alone. We feel like the castaway of the song, but we don't have to be worried: millions of people is waiting our love, our expiriences and they want to have fun with us!

    2- Of course! Who doesn't? I think that if you don't love, you aren't human... Of course, I mean love to your mother, for example. The kind of love that we are refering to, is different. When you love someone, all is nothing. Be fancy isn't the same that love.

    3- No. Sincerely, I don't agree with this part of your entry. Love is hard, and love isn't always happy. It depends of the situation of each person, and of course in our ages physical aspect is very important, so... I'm not totally agree with this, but it is.
    Probably, this opinion is caused by my personal situation, but this is how I think.

    4- Pastora Soler ~ Stay with me [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PcuJZINHnQ]. The english version of our last year representer in ESC. Personally, the lyrics of the song are indescribable, I have no words to talk about it. (Yes, I know it's a bit corny, but I like it)

    "Now skies are crying over me, I try to say just anything, Just anything so you won't go, Fight the shadows, Light the way, Light up, light up my way, Stay with me for one more day my love, You can show me heaven, you can show me heaven, Let the sun shine through the rain" (Capital letters means a different verse)

    Bye class! Bye Javi! Good job :-)

  9. Hello:)

    1-I think that the sonf refers to the loneliness.
    2-I think that normally with 14 years you can´t fall in love,but nothing it´s imposible.But there are some exceptions and of course, I loved.
    3-Yes,right now i´m living a good experience in love but also I lived but moments.
    4-Here is my song,enjoy it!(It´s a one direction song of course haha)

    Javi, it´s a very good post, I love it!

  10. Hello!

    Javi your post is fantastic, I like so much! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!

    1-.I think that the song try to teach that a person is alone and doesn´t have anybody to live, this person after think o see that he isn´t alone, that is, there are many people with the similar situation of he.

    2-.Like Blanca and Rafa, all the people love to another person, and if there are any person that doesnt love is unusual. Like everyone else, I loved.

    3-.No, I don´t have many good moments. Well, If is about boyfriend I think that in a relation you will have good and bad moments. Depend the personality of there.

    4-. Now there are two songs, one is in spanich and the other song is in english:
    -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTfOD0ZCbqQ (Somos-Melocos)

    -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5f1D9kHogq0 (Adele- Lovesong).

    Bye :)

  11. 1.-I think the song refers to people who are alone, with no one.
    2.- Yes, we all want someone, we are sometimes matched and sometimes not. Although our young age we can't to love.
    3.- Yes, a lot of moments.
    4.- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b81kOviE7EI

  12. Hello class!
    1~In my opinion, I think that the song "the message in a bottle" try to teach that when you think that you are alone in the world, you think that anyone likes you, but that´s not true, because there are many people that love you, and are waiting to love you at the right moment of time.
    2~Of course! But I think i'm going to love more to that person with the time.
    3~Yes, I did. In my opinion it was amazing and cool.
    4~Ivi Adamou - La La Love:

    Good post Javi!I like it!
    Bye class!

  13. Hi class!
    1- I think the song is too sad, because it is about a person who hasn't got anyone who love him.
    2- I don't think so. It's stupid to think you can fall in love with someone you meet, for example in the school or in your friends group. You will love someone when you really meet him/her.
    3- I don't think love it's only for a girl/boyfriend or wife/husband, I think you love your family, your friends, etc, because there many differents types of love, not only one. I'm never had a boyfriend, and I can't tell you about this type of love, but I'm sure love is special, but it can became painfull.
    4- "I don't wanna miss a thing", from aerosmith.

  14. Hello class!
    1>I think the song try to say us that we aren’t alone in this world, because there are lots of friends that in difficult moments are going to help you.

    2>No, but I think that in this age people like us want to grow quickly and fall in love

    3>In my opinion falling in love can be good or bad, because the person you love can say you ``No´´ or ``Yes´´.

    4>``Mecano-Me cuesta tanto olvidarte´´

    Good post!

  15. Hello!

    1. I think the song means that you aren´t alone.
    2. Yes, I have.
    3. I spent good times.
    4. Alejandro Sanz- Lola Soledad.



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