
Chernobyl disaster

The Chernobyl disaster was a catrastophic nuclear accident that occurred on
on 26 April 1986.
The Chernobyl nuclear power plant was in Ukraine.
(In this year Ukraine was of the soviet union). 
This occured because there was an explosion and fire released large quantities of radioactive contamination into the atmosphere, which spread over much of Western of Union Soviet and Europe.
This disaster was terrible about 350000 persons died in this , the people died because the radiactivity was very hard and caused the  xenon poisoning , betwen the fising products was xenon and a gas with very much parts of neutrons.
The radiactivity designed in malformations will the  born childs .
In my opinin this disaster was really horrible.

Now a day you can't go to see Chernobyl without a special dress because if you respire the toxic oxigen of here you could die.

The questions:

1.-  When was the disaster?
2.-  Why there was malformations in the living beins?
3.-  Tell me if there are supervivents
4.-  What you opine about this? Do you think that one day the people can live in Chernobyl  an other time?


  1. Hello :)
    1- It was the 26 April 1986.
    2- Th malformations are caused by the radioactivity of the explosion.
    3-Yes,there are.
    4-One day I saw at the TV program 'Cuarto Milenio' that now some people live in Chermobyl...but I think that this isn't a good idea,I think nobody must to live there.

    Martin this is a very interesting post!CONGRATULATIONS!

  2. Hello everybody!

    1. It occurres on 26 April 1986.

    2. Because the radiactivity was very hard and the toxic products produce the malformations in them.

    3. Yes. There were some survivors, such as Yuri Andreyev. He is a engineer and he worked in nuclear power station of Chernobyl.

    4. I think this desaster was terrible, and I think people won't can live in Chernobyl because there, can remain so much bad things harmful to us.

    Congratulations Martin! I like your post, I think it is interesting because I didn't know so much about Chernobyl disaster.

    Goodbye class!

  3. Hello class:)

    1- On 26 April 1986.
    2-Because in chernobyl, when the explosion impacts, there were a lot of radioactivity.
    3-Yes, there are.
    4-I think people of Chernobyl can not live there, because the past and hurt them again.


  4. hello class
    1-The disaster was on 26 April 1986
    2-because the explosion was very big and it produce a lot of radiactivity.
    3-yes,there was some survivors
    4-I think that the people can´t live here because now the radiactivity is very high

  5. Hello!
    A very good job Martin, however, it's very sad.
    1- It was on April 26, on 1986.
    2- Because the radioactivity affect the people and it's very hard.
    3- Of course, some peole survived.
    4- I don't know how strong is the radioactivity, but if it is very hard, people could not live there.

  6. Hello!!

    1- It was the 26/04/1986.
    2- It's for the radioactivity that produce the big nuclear explosion.
    3- Of course, there were survivers.
    4- I think that some day people can live in Chernobyl.

    Bye class, good night!

  7. Hi Martin! Hi class!
    Well, I like very much this topic... Sometimes I like investigating about 'misteries' as Chernobyl, and sometimes I make my own theories... hahahaha. Last year I read a book related with this topic, called "Red Sky" (in Spanish, "Cielo Rojo") that, in a metaforic way, tells Chernobyl's story.

    1| The disaster was on 26th April, 1986.
    2| Radioactivity is dangerous for living beings, and of course, these high levels caused malformations a lot of deaths.
    3| This answer depends of what do you refer to. There were survivors, of course... But people with a high contact with radioactivity couldn't survive.
    4| I would like to visit Chernobyl someday, with the special dress. I would like to see the effects of this terrible accident, like how houses remained, how vegetation remains, etc. I think that Ukraine's govern will made it a tourist point, and we'll have to pay to see it... It isn't fair, I know it, but I think it's going to be that way (so people aren't going to live there).

    Good post Martin! :)

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  10. Hello Martin!:)

    1.-The Chernobyl disaster was a catrastophic nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986.
    2.-It's for the radioactivity that produce the big nuclear explosion.
    3.-Of course, some peole survived.
    4.-I could not live there for radioactivity, although some people live there. But it is very dangerous.


  11. Hello!

    Martin Good Post!

    1. The Chernobyl disaster occurred on 26th April,1986.

    2. Because the radioactivity is bad and dangerous to people, animals, plants ... so for all living beings. By radioactivity has been malformations, and there will continue in the generations of people who have experienced this.

    3. Yes, there are survivors, but many people that survive have malformations, and other people didn´t survive because died for the radioactivity.

    4. I think that in the future people will live in Chernobyl, but I don´t sure, because the radioactivity will be there more years, so people won´t live in Chernobyl.


  12. Hello class!

    1--> It happened on 26 April 1986

    2-->Because radioactivity has lots of toxic products which caused malformations in people,animals and plants.

    3-->Yes, there were some survivors.

    4-->In my opinion nuclear power stations are very dangeours, so we must use more renewable energy which comes from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, water...
    I have read that some people are going to live there after this disaster although it's very dangerous.


  13. Hello!

    Good post Martin! I think that it is a good term to tell us and we can learn some things about our planet that we didn´t learn

    1) It ocurred on 26 April 1986
    2) Because radiaction affects badly(caused of toxics) to living beings in his development amd living beings had malformations in his physical and metal organism
    3)Yes, there are but these have some problems to live
    4)Power stations have to be protect because if there are problems, the life of the people that live around of this power station is in danger. So like my partners said, we must to use more renewable energy, like sun or water energy

    One more time, excelent post! Bye!

  14. HI!

    I like so much the topic of your post, Martin. I have learnt lots of things that I didn't know about this.

    1-It happends on 26th April 1986.
    2-Because of the high radioactivity.
    3-Yes, there were.
    4-I think that this disaster was so terrible, but with the advances in the world, I thik that it's possible to live there in the future.


  15. Hi!
    - It happends on 26th April 1986
    - The high level of radioactivity in this area
    - Yes there were
    - I thanks that this disaster was terrible but with the advances we have now its posible to live in Chernobil in a far away future


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