


I think that climate change means that our planet is suffering several contrasts in climate changes like these:


At the end of the nineteenth century, scientists have observed a gradual increase in the temperature of the planet's surface. This increase has been between 0.5 º C and 1.0 º F. The ten warmest years of the twentieth century occurred between 1985 and 2000.

This warming has reduced the snow-covered areas in the northern hemisphere, and has caused the Arctic Ocean have melted some ice masses. In Antarctica have separated portions of ice and are melting.


Global warming has caused a temperature increase at the surface of the earth, causing the polar thaw. The sea level has risen 4-8 inches and will continue to increase. The magnitude and frequency of rainfall has also increased due to the evaporation of surface water caused by the increase in temperature. Scientists say the surface temperature can reach up to 4.5 º F increase in the next 50 years (2001-2050), and up to 10 º F during this century. This increase in water evaporation will result in an increase in the intensity and frequency of hurricanes and storms.

You can see these video of climate changes:


An increase in the temperature of the Earth's surface will result in an increase in respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, infectious diseases caused by pests and tropical mosquito.

-The cardiovascular and respiratory systems are affected because, under hot, the person must exert more effort to perform any activity.
 In the tropics extend mosquitoes and other pests responsible for dengue, malaria, cholera and yellow fever in the tropics affect a larger portion of the world population, increasing the number of deaths from these diseases.


The result of global warming will be:

- Extend the tropics to higher latitudes, and the region of pine forests extend into areas that now form part of the tundra and taiga. In losing its moisture soils due to evaporation, many areas could be covered with dry vegetation, widening the desert region of the planet.

- In the continental plain due to water shortages as a result of the increase in temperature could make these regions (such as the pampas of Argentina and the Great Plains of North America) on land unsuitable for farming.


-As coral reefs, sandpipers systems, estuaries, and others, would be affected, and that the sea level rise would inundate coastal wetland areas. The buildings very close to the coast could be affected by wave action, which could flood its foundations.

If we want to live in a better world we must reduce pollution and contamination in our cities. Because if not different places in the world are going to be affected by climate change in the future.

Now, could you answer these questions?:

1-.  List five ideas to prevent further pollution of our planet.

2-. What do you think about global warming?

3-. Can you tell me what has been the  hurricanes and earthquakes around the world recently?

4-.  What cities will be flooded if the sea level would rise?

5 -. How can we stop this catastrophe?

I hope you liked it and that you find interesting.


  1. Hello!

    Good post Ana María!

    1. a_ in our homes we can classify the rubbish, that's a good way to recycle and facilitate recycling
    b- We can install the same way public bodies to enact legally recycling.
    c- We can get rid of the oil storing pots stead of feeding it through the tap.
    d- We must avoid burning leaves, it produces a lot of gas that can be toxic
    e- Save fuel, for this we can share the car with workmate, class ...
    2. I think that is not good, because not only we harm the earth, we harm us too.
    3. We have very recent hurricane "sandy" in America, and when I saw it on the news there were many accidents that the hurricane cause.
    4. Cities near to the coast.
    5. Helping to save the environment and improving the things that cause climate changes.


  2. Hi class!

    1- We must recycle, drive the car only when be necessary, don't clean the car with hose but yes with buckets, pick up the waste of our mascots and turn off the light when don't be necessary.
    2- I think that have to finish.
    3- In Japan, two years ago, there was a earthquake.
    4- Cities that are in the coast.
    5- I don't know...

    Good night!!

  3. Hello everybody!

    1. We can travel by bicycle instead in car. / We can recycle all the rubbish in our homes. / We can try to use less toxic things, such as deodorant. / We can have a shower instead have a bath. / We can use less light, only when it is dark, or in the night.

    2. It's so bad, because if the oceans and seas grow, they will be more extensive and part of the earth will disappear... In my opinion, it is one of the worst causes.

    3. In Thailand, there was an hurricane many years ago.

    4. The cities near the coast and cities that have beaches, such as Almeria, for example.

    5. I think that we can stop this catastrophe, specially recycling and thinking in people that still don't live here...

    Congratulations Ana Maria! Your post is good and really true! We learn so much with these topics.

    Good afternoon class!!

  4. Hello class!

    1) A We can use more vehicles that don´t contaminate by the residius
    B in the factories we can add product to the residius that form an ecological smoke that doesn´t affect to the enviroment
    C Order the rubbish the most correct possible
    D Don´t throw in the rivers or seas objects like batteries because they are very bad for the enviroment for its composition
    E Don´t use a lot sprays because they affect to the ozone layer

    2) I think that it is caused by all the bad things of all the world. It is bad because if the waters of the Earth dissapear, we will have floods in all the world!

    3)Recently, the hurricane " Sandy " attacked America, destroying a big part of Cuba

    4) I think that the cities near the coast but if ALL the water of ALL the world floods, soon or later, we will be affect too!

    5) I think that we can stop it helping in all that we can and if we see people that don´t do good things, say them that they are destroying the world!

    Good post Ana Mari! Congratulations!

  5. Hello:)

    1-Use punlic transport,recicle,don´t use a lot os petrol,pick up the waste of our mascots and don´t use a lot of water.
    2-That we must to stop that!
    3-In Japan two years ago and ´Sandy´in America some weeks ago.
    4-The cities near the cost.
    5-Helping to save the environment

    Good post Ana Maria! CONGRATULATIONS!

  6. Hi Ana Mari! Hi class!
    A great post, you'll know my opinion in this answered... I prefered say it in them.

    We must:
    · Recycle
    · Use low-consumption bulbs
    We mustn't:
    · Use the car so much
    · Waste water
    · Use paper so much

    2| We must stop it... Almost all of us, think in that, but nobodies do it. We consume a lot, we don't apply what we say.

    3| Obviusly, Sandy is the most recent one. A recent earthquake was in Chile, three years ago. Another one happened in Lorca, a Spanish town.

    4| Cities that are situated near the coast.

    5| I answered this question in your task 1... We must apply the rules that we've said, and all is going to be better.

    Bye class! Good post.

  7. Hello!

    1.- We must recycle, use public transport, and we mustn´t use the car or motocyle bike so much.
    2.- That we must to stop that!
    3.- In Japan two years ago and ´Sandy´in America some weeks ago.
    4.- The cities near the cost.
    5.-Helping to save the environment and improving the things that cause climate changes.

  8. Good job! I suppose you've been investigating and you've learnt a lot. There is a lot of text, photos and the video is also good.

  9. Hello!

    1- Use the public transport, don't contaminate the sea, use recycle paper, don't use so much water and recycle your own rubbish.

    2- I think if we continue with that, we will have future problems, so we must stop it.

    3- Although the most recently has been the hurricane Sandy, one of the most famous actually is the tsunami of the film "The impossible"

    4- The most affective zones will be the cities near the coast.

    5- Obviously, helping to save the environment.


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