
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Hi class!

Have you ever listened to the music of this prodigious man?
It is fantastic!

Let's read something about Mozart's life:

He was born in Salzburgo on the 27th of January in 1756 and died in Viena on the 5th of December in 1791.
He was a prolific Austrian composer and pianist of the Classical era.
 He's considerated as one of the most featured musician in the history of the music.He composed over 600 works.
His father was also a composer and a teacher. He taught his son to play the piano and the violin and compose obviously.   
When he was only five years old, he could compose little pieces of music.

Mozart was a versatile composer and wrote opera, symphony, the solo concerto, chamber music including string quartet and string quintet and the piano sonata.   

 These forms were not new, but Mozart advanced their technical sophistication and emotional reach. He almost single-handedly developed and popularized the Classical Piano concerto   

 He also wrote a great deal of religious music.                       

  Here you have a video with one famous composition of Mozart called ``Rondo Alla Turca´´

Mozart wrote lots of pieces of music but he also travelled a lot. One of his most famous tour started in the 9th of January in 1736 and lasted three years and six months!
Before saying the questions I want to tell you that Mozart was (in my opinion)

            the best compositor and pianist in the world.It´s a pity because he didn't receive any award

Now the questions:

1.-Did Mozart have any children?

2.-Do you know which disease killed Mozart?
3.-In which cemetery rest Mozart?

4.-Do you agree with my opinion? Why/Why not? 
                                               5.-What is the baptismal name of Mozart?
6.-Which was the last work he composed?

That's all!



  1. Hello class!

    1| Yes, he had. They were 6, (Raimund Leopold, Raimund Leopold, Johann Thomas Leopold, Theresia Constanzia Adelheid Friedericke Maria Anna, Anna, Franz Xaver Wolfgang) and he had them with his wife, Constanze.
    2| Well, searching the information in Internet, I saw that his death is a mistery... What I can say, is that recents studies point at a Rheumatic fever. The symptoms of the disease are equal to what family had described.
    3| He rest in Saint Marx cementery.
    4| I don't know at what you refer with 'my opinion', but I think that Mozart is a great composer. One of the works that I like is the Turkish March. Other composer that I like is Beethoven.
    5| It's Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart. A simple name...
    6| His last work was Requiem.

    Good job Juan Antonio, I learnt lots of things with the post. Although (as I said) I like the Turkish March, my favourite is "Requiem", overall the part "Lacrimosa".

    Bye class! :))

  2. Hi people!

    A very worked post Juan Antonio, it's amazing!.
    1- Yes, he had 6, but i didn't know it before i read your post. they were: Raimund, Johann Thomas, Theresia Constanzia, Anna and Franz Xaver.
    2- It is a mistery, many people think he was poisoned, but really he died by an strange disease.
    3- He is in Saint Marx cementery.
    4- Yes, I think Mozart is one of the bests composers of the history, and I love playing pieces of him.
    5- Well, it is a very long name, it was Johannes Chrysodtomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart.
    6- His last work was a piece called Requiem.


  3. 1.-Yes, he had. They were 6,Raimund Leopold, Raimund Leopold, Johann Thomas Leopold, Theresia Constanzia Adelheid Friedericke Maria Anna, Anna, Franz Xaver Wolfgang.
    2.-It is a mistery.
    3.-In Saint Marx cementery.
    4.-Yes, I think Mozart is one of the bests composers of the history,and I like her compositions but not usually hear.
    5.-It was Johannes Chrysodtomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart.
    6.-His last work was a Requiem.

  4. Hello everybody!

    First, I want to say to Juan Antonio that I like so much his post because I like music and all about it. I knows some things about Mozart too, and I learnt more things about him with this post! Congratulations!

    1. Mozart had 6 children with Constanza y Constanza. They were: Raimund Leopold, Karl Thomas, Johan Leopold, Theresia Constanzia, Anna and Franz Xaver Wolfgang.

    2. His death was really misterious, but I found that he began to swell and could not get back up. Days later, he started having high fever, which caused the lost knowledge until the day of his death. A woman said her last breaths, seemed to want to imitate the drums of his Requiem.

    3. His remains were buried in St. Marx Cemetery, in Vienna.

    4. Well, I agree with your opinion because I love playing pieces of Mozart, as Inma has said. I think Mozart is one of the best composers in the world, but I think it is the best one. There are other fantastic composers such as Bach or Beethoven.

    5. The baptismal name of Mozart is: Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart.

    6. The last work that he composed was ''the Requiem''.

    Goodbye class!

  5. Hello!

    Juan Antonio Good Post!! I like so much your post.

    1. Mozart and Constanza had 6 childrens, Raimund Leopold, Karl Thomas, Johan Leopold, Theresia, Anna and Franz Xaver Wolfgang; of which only two survived: Karl Thomas and Franz Xaver.

    2. It's a mysterious, for lack of evidence no one knows really happened. But I found one: He said that he was poisoned, but his symptoms were swelling throughout the body, which was immobilized and couldn´t move.

    3. His remains are buried in the cemetery of St. Marxs in Vienna

    4.I think Mozart is a great composer, but others such as Beethoven, Czerny, Cramer ... are great composers too. Actually I like the works of Mozart and Beethoven. But Mozart is special for me, because he started to composed his works, when he only was five years old, as you said before.

    5. His baptismal name is ( Joannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart).

    6. The last piece he wrote was "the Requiem".


  6. Hello!
    First I have to say is that this post is amazing, really amazing! Very good job Juan!

    1) Yes, he did. They were: Karl Thomas, Raimund Leopold, Johan Leopold, Theresia Constanzia, Anna and Franz Xaver Wolfgang.

    2)Like my partners said, it is a mistery. But I found in Internet that he died because of an infeccion for estreptococos

    3)He is rest at Viena, in St. Marx Cemetery

    4)I´m also agree with you. I think that Mozart composed some pieces that are perfect. It is a pitty that we can´t have Mozart today.

    5)It was Johannes Chrysodtomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart.

    6)His last work was a piece called Requiem. Requiem is use for celebrated the repose of the soul. It is frequently use in funerals

    Bye! See you tomorrow!

  7. Hello!

    1- Yes, he had six children.

    2- His death was a mistery, nobody knows their causes.

    3- In Saint Marx cementery (Viena).

    4- I'm agree with you, I think that nobody could be better than Mozart playing the piano or composing.

    5- Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, a big name for a big person.

    6- The Requiem.

    Good night class!

  8. Hello!

    1- Yes, six children. Raimund Leopold, Karl Thomas, Johann Leopold, Theresia, Anna and Franz Xaver Wolfgang.

    2-His death was a mystery.

    3-his rests are in the cemetery Saint Marx(Viena).

    4-Mozart is a great composer and great musician, I think anyone can

    5- It was Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart.

    6- The last piece he composed was the requiem.


  9. Hello:)

    1-Yes, six children.
    2-it is a mystery.
    3-at the Saint Marx cementery(Viena)
    4-I'm agree with you, he is one if the best.
    5-Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart.
    6-the requiem

    Bye !

  10. Hello everybody!

    1-Mozart's parents had 6 childrens, Raimund Leopold, Karl Thomas, Johan Leopold, Theresia, Anna and Franz Xaver Wolfgang.
    2-It's a mystery, anybody knows how Mozart died.
    3-In Saint Marx cementery, in Viena.
    4-I'm agree with you because Mozart was a prodigy child. He started very early playing an important role in the music.
    5-It was Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart.
    6-The requiem.


  11. Hi!
    - Mozart had 6 children
    - Nobody knows how Mozart died
    - In Saint Marx cementery
    - I'm agree with you
    - It was Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart
    - The Requiem


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